
最近很迷英文(我瘋了),很迷〔High School Musical〕(話說到現在還沒清醒過來),然後最近瘋狂迷上〔Twilight〕。當然中毒的原因是因為小說的關係,但毒藥加深的是因為Rovert Pattinson Edward Cullen XD" 而這近期的〔Twilight〕熱潮導致Facebook出現大量有關〔Twilight〕的Group,當然我也加了不少,我是粉絲嘛(笑)。

不過看到這些Group的簡介就忍不住發笑 XD" 例如其中一個Group的名字叫〔I am Absolutely In Love With Edward Cullen and The Twilight Series〕,其簡介如下:
This is a group for anyone who has read the Twilight book series. Also for anyone in addition who is madly inlove with Edward.

You know you are when...
your heart leaps when you see a silver volvo drive by
you think about him all day (AND PROUD OF IT)
you remember everything he says
you stealth around pretending youre a vampire
you want to play baseball in a thunderstrom
you drink cranberry juice... just to pretend
you doodle his name
you cant put the book down if hes a part of it
you hunt mountain lion
you compare every guy to edward
you hate rosalie!!

you pretend to read minds
you run really fast (or at least try to)
you feel bad for charlie
you love meadows
you suspect people of being vampires
you think that pale is the new tan
you use twilight related affairs in homework assignments -such as vocabulary sentences
you think the cullens are the new brady bunch
you google his character even though he isn't real

you always have a book on hand
you spend countless hours on fanfiction is your homepage
you quote the book in everyday conversation
you fantisize about fangs
you spend rainy days pretending to be in Forks
you will name your first born, boy/girl, after a character
you put on white makeup and purple eyes shadow and then go out in public....and even hiss at strangers
you downloaded "Clair De Lune"
you interogate pale people why they don't like the sun
you persue a career in dentistry to find someone with fangs
you friended Edward Cullen on facebook
you casually migrate away from redheads in a crowd
you explore abandoned houses looking for the Cullens
you are afraid of dance studios

the topic of being immortal pops up in regular conversation.

字體顏色加強的部分是我非常認同的,〔you always have a book on hand〕我也是天天都在重看這本書 XD" 然後〔you hate rosalie!!〕這個看到時真的忍不住大笑,不過其實還是有人會喜歡Rosalie的啦,畢竟她是一個美女來的嘛。〔you put on white makeup and purple eyes shadow and then go out in public....and even hiss at strangers〕這個我超想看到有哪個人會去做,我好想幫他拍個照片(爆 XD")

另外還有看到些都超爆笑的,例如這個Group〔Because I read Twilight I have unrealistic expectations in Men〕
After you read Twilight, you want your lover to...
- Play piano
- Be able to protect you from oncoming traffic with only his fist
- Quote Romeo & Juliet to you
- Only have eyes for you even when a hot waitress is throwing herself at him
- Not be embarrassed that he only dreams about you (if he could dream, that is)
- To not want to live in this world if you're not in it
- To write a lullaby for you
- To be able to read other people's minds to let you know what is coming

還有〔If 1,000,000 People Join I'll Legally Change My Name To Edward Cullen〕這個Group也很好笑 XD"
All my girl friends are OBSESSED with the Twilight Saga. They say that the fans, or "Twilighters" are completely obsessed and dedeicated, but my guy friends and I don't think the hype is as big as they say. So we set this bet that if we got a million Twilighters to add themselves to this group, as a little prize I'll "Legally Change My Name To Edward Cullen."
So, let's see how it plays out....
=== All You Must Do Is===
1) CLICK "Join this Group"
2) CLICK on "Invite People to Join"
3) SELECT all of your friends!
4) CLICK on "Send invitation"

其實還有很多很多很多瘋狂的"Twilighters"粉絲們 XD" 不斷在一些留言版看到「GO EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LUV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HIM!!!!!!!!!!!」之類的留言(哈哈哈哈哈),而且愈看愈想爆笑。我是說啊,Edward Cullen這傢伙的吸引力真的是可以致命〔You’re my own personal brand of heroin.」 (爆 XDDD")


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